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About Us

Welcome to LearnInBD.Com

Welcome to LearnInBD.Com, your one-stop destination for all things related to education in Bangladesh. We are helping students of all levels succeed, from Class 6 all the way to Masters, including Madrasah education. Our goal is to make learning easy for everyone by providing high-quality educational resources in the Bengali language.

Our Mission

At LearnInBD.Com, we understand the unique challenges faced by students in Bangladesh. That’s why we’ve created our website where you can find everything you need daily in your studies. Whether you are looking for exam suggestions, past questions, or study materials tailored to your curriculum, we are always here to help you achieve the best results in your exams.

Our Resources

Our website provides resources to students across different stages of their academic journey. From the early years of secondary education to the complexities of Honours and Masters degrees, we offer carefully curated content that meets the needs of Bangladeshi students. All resources are available in Bengali, making it easier for you to grasp difficult concepts and study more effectively.

Classes & Levels

We provide educational materials and suggestions for Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9-10, and higher education like Intermediate (HSC Suggestions). We also cover Honours 1st Year, Honours 2nd Year, Honours 3rd Year, Honours 4th Year, and Degree Suggestions.

Founder Of LearnInBD

Sohel Mahmud is the founder and owner of LearnInBD. He is a skilled freelancer from Bangladesh, recognized for his expertise in web design, blogging, digital marketing, and SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ).

Sohel Mahmud is also known for his creativity and technically talented in web design. He has crafted numerous websites that are not only visually appealing but also user-friendly and responsive for all devices. His designs mainly focus on enhancing the user experience, ensuring that websites are optimized for both functionality and attractive. He specializes in creating custom layouts that cater to the unique needs of his clients, making their digital presence stand out in the web design section like WordPress, Blogspot ( Blogger), Php, Laravel etc.

Sohel Mahmud is a leading SEO expert in Bangladesh, specializing in optimizing websites to achieve top rankings on search engines and also expertise covers everything from keyword research and link building to advanced technical SEO strategies using latest SEO trends, Google algorithm. Learninbd website owned by Sohel Mahmud and he also take it seriously for every user who want to learn more about study related content in Bangladesh and basic to professional service provider for his experienced like web design, blogging, freelancing, Digital marketing, SEO etc.


নীচে আপনার অ্যাকাউন্টে লগইন করুন

নতুন অ্যাকাউন্ট তৈরি করুন!

নিবন্ধন করতে নিচের ফর্মগুলি পূরণ করুন

আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড পুনরুদ্ধার করুন

আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড পুনরায় সেট করতে আপনার ইউজারনাম বা ইমেল ঠিকানা লিখুন.